Ted Abel, PhD, and his son Seamus Abel
Seamus, a German major, has found a home away from home in Phillips Hall, which houses the academic offices of the Division of World Languages, Literatures, and Cultures as well as a student study lounge.
A Neuroscientist and His Son Make Strides at Iowa
When his toddler was diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder more than 20 years ago, Ted Abel expanded his research focus to include the developmental disorder. Today, the University of Iowa provides an environment where both father and son have thrived.
“There are no barriers here. Whatever the problem is, we work together to understand it in creative and collaborative ways.”
- Ted Abel, PhD, noting the value of collaboration among Iowa researchers.

Seamus, the musician.....
A combination of core and elective courses together with hands-on laboratory experience provide a strong base for Ph.D. thesis research. A newly established Computational Genetics Subtrack brings state-of-the-art computer technology to the study of modern Genetics.


Associate Director

Human Toxicology
Our Human Toxicology Program has a long history of providing world class mentoring and research opportunities for its students. First year students participate in three different research rotations to determine their research interests.


Director of Graduate Studies

Our Program offers investigators from many departments, including Epidemiology, Internal Medicine, Microbiology, and Urology. Faculty expertise and research activities provide excellent training in adaptive, cellular and innate molecular immunology.



We strive to transform our students into independent, successful scientists. To accomplish this, we offer a large number of courses in our curriculum to help you obtain a wide-ranging background, ranging from cellular and molecular biology to cognitive neuroscience.


Associate Director