In the genetics lab with Dr. Lori Wallrath.
Dream Team: UI Researchers Uncover a New Understanding of Sleep
Iowa Neuroscience Institute researchers find that sleep deprivation affects each part of the brain differently, allowing for distinct computations influencing behavior, emotion, and memory.
“These findings give us molecular targets to counteract the effects of sleep loss. Understanding the molecular changes that extended wakefulness has on the cortex is a way to think about helping us stay attentive, even with sleep loss.” - Ted Abel, PhD
A combination of core and elective courses together with hands-on laboratory experience provide a strong base for Ph.D. thesis research. A newly established Computational Genetics Subtrack brings state-of-the-art computer technology to the study of modern Genetics.
Associate Director
Human Toxicology
Our Human Toxicology Program has a long history of providing world class mentoring and research opportunities for its students. First year students participate in three different research rotations to determine their research interests.
Director of Graduate Studies
Our Program offers investigators from many departments, including Epidemiology, Internal Medicine, Microbiology, and Urology. Faculty expertise and research activities provide excellent training in adaptive, cellular and innate molecular immunology.
We strive to transform our students into independent, successful scientists. To accomplish this, we offer a large number of courses in our curriculum to help you obtain a wide-ranging background, ranging from cellular and molecular biology to cognitive neuroscience.